My Publications
Included is a brief list and summary of my published books. All can be ordered through Amazon.
Walking Shoes: A Soul Journey

Filled with food for thought, to be digested slowly; capable of making life's journey richer, insightful, and growth-filled. A trusty companion on life's highways and byways.
May the Wind be at your Back

William M. Thackeray said that "the world is a looking glass and gves back to every person the reflection of his own face." Life holds a mirror to us daily. We see our own refection in the faces of others; our own sgtory etched in their broes; our own thoughts imbedded in their brains; our own heartstrings entwined in theirs; our own secrets hidden deep within their psyche and our own story told through the pages of their ives.
May the wind be at your back
If you need food for thought; a short reflection, a nightcap that is not addictive; a shot in the arm that doesn't hurt; a cure for insomnia; a marriage of head and heart; a lucid moment; a scrambler of your thought process; a heart stress buster; a soul sojourn; then this book will tickle your funny bone and even allow you to shed a tear or two. It will help you climb a mountain of doubt and embrace a plethora of new insights. It will cure your myopic view of life with laser precision and replace it with a panoramic view of life. In the comings and goings of your life, May the Wind be always at your Back.
She was no lady

This is the story of one man, who loses everything in he hell of Hurricane Katrina. He loses home, personal and professional belongings, and maybe more.How does he cope with the loss? Where does he direct his anger, his frustration? How does he try to rebuild his life, profession, and community? Does he wallow in self-destruction or resurrect from the ashes? Does he have the inner resources to continue? How does he begin to give hope to people who have lost everything also? Where does he go for support? What does he discover about himself in the dark days and nights after the hurricane? Are there any answers to all those questions? Maybe, this book will provide some answers.
This is his story. But, in a way, it is everyone's story who has lost a heart, a home, a job, a friendship, a soul mate, a loved one.
The Crooked Christmas Tree

A Journey with Boreen

The word "Boreen" is an Irish word meaning "small road" or "laneway."
The road is peppered with sights and sounds, twists and turns, seasons and sunshine, hills and hollows, lalzy landscapes and loitering wildlife, old ruins and new growth, Fairy Forts and meandering rivers, romantic bridges, "Famine House" and "Famine Burial Grounds."
Boreen, the old woman of the road, invites the reader to join her as she shares her often painful history, her special moments as well as her centuries old wisdom and guidance.
In sharing the richness of her own life, Boreen hopes that her readers will value and appreciate the many lessons they have learned on their own journey.
"A Journey with Boreen" can be ordered through Amazon or one's local bookstore. It is publised by Olympia Publishers, London.
Freckles and Dara – A Fable for all Ages!

“Freckles and Dara – A Fable for all Ages!” is a modern day parable about how two innocent but gifted lambs try to eradicate social distancing and remind us that life is richer and more colourful if we see it in all its diversity. But are we willing to pay the price?
"We all should know that diversity makes for a rich tapestry and we must understand that all the threads are equal in value no matter what their colour." - Maya Angelou, American Poet